Our mission is to provide professional editing and design services to authors who wish to publish their work without giving away the royalties or control of the book. We shepherd a book through every step of the publication process.

We edit and publish books in the fields of education, psychology, business, art, spirituality, and uplifting children’s books. We excel in memoirs. Multicultural books are also part of our repertoire, with published books that contain Tibetan, Marathi, Hindi, and Farsi segments.

Our Mission

About Us

Laura Duggan, Nicasio Press

Photo by Jerry Dodrill

Laura Duggan is the founder and owner of Nicasio Press. The company was launched in 2008. Her background is in technology, education, and writing. She establishes a one-on-one relationship with each author to define the project and see it to completion. See our list of projects and testimonials here.

About Nicasio

Nicasio Press takes its name from a tiny town nestled in the rolling hills of Marin County in Northern California. A town with immense beauty, it has long been home to sheep and cattle ranches and carries the spirit of the land wherever you look. St. Mary’s Church at the crossroads of the town was built in 1867. Jerry Garcia, of the Grateful Dead, was a resident of Nicasio prior to his passing away. For more information about the history of Nicasio, visit the Nicasio Historical Society webpage.